The Smiler Blog: Six Month Smiles

5 Ways to Keep Clear Braces Sparkling White

Written by Six Month Smiles | Apr 30, 2021 5:53:00 PM

If you've opted to straighten your teeth with Six Month Smiles® Clear Braces, you're soon to be a lot happier when you look in the mirror. That's because in a short six months (on average) Six Month Smiles patients complete their active treatment and are flashing a transformed smile.

But what about in the meantime, while the discrete Clear Braces are working their dental magic on your teeth? You want to keep your teeth and dental appliances sparkling white. The following tips for avoiding staining your Clear Braces will help you do just that.

Brush after EVERY meal (and some beverages).

Brushing your teeth may seem obvious, and we sure hope you're brushing regularly; however, we want you to know that to keep your Clear Braces shimmering, you should brush every time you eat. Further, it would help if you brushed after drinking some highly-staining beverages such as red wine, dark fruit juices, coffee, and tea.



You're hopefully already flossing regularly, but with Clear Braces, it's critical. Food particles can get trapped in your teeth and hardware and lead to decay as well as stains. To floss with braces, use a floss threader, about 18 inches of waxed dental floss, and carefully thread the floss between two teeth, repeating until all teeth are flossed. Do not pull or snap the floss. Your dentist can show you the proper technique if you need to see it done, so don't hesitate to ask. They can also recommend the best dental hygiene products for you.


Don't smoke.

We won't discuss the negative impact of smoking on our health because you already know about that. But we will remind you that inhaling cigarette smoke stains your teeth. That means it also stains Clear Braces. So, there's another great reason to kick the habit if it's something you do.


Avoid certain foods.

You already know to avoid hard, sticky, chewy foods like hard candy, caramel, popcorn, corn on the cob, etc. However, to maintain your Clear Braces' pure white color, avoid foods that stain teeth, such as blueberries, red foods (tomatoes), yellow foods (mustard, turmeric, curry powder), or dishes that contain these foods. It's a short time to remove these foods from the menu to keep your Clear Braces nice and white.


Visit your dentist regularly.

Don't skip appointments with your Six Month Smiles Provider! These appointments are essential to your treatment progress, and they also allow you the opportunity to ask questions – like how to floss correctly or which floss to use – to make your treatment a stunning success.


If you're looking for a certified Six Month Smiles Provider near you, click here for our Provider Locator. They can help you get started on the path to straighter teeth immediately with Clear Braces or Clear Aligners. 

And if you're concerned over affordability, don't be! We make straighter teeth budget-friendly. From easy payment plans to options like using a combination of payments like your Health Savings Account (HAS), Flex Spending Account (FSA), or private insurance, there's a plan for you!